mı Kaıchuo


This is a tool for writing Toaq on an everyday keyboard.

Words you type are automatically adorned with tone markers:

Va suq na chietua ji hoa nha.
Ꝡa súq nä chıetua jí hóa nha.

(The default is o for verbs, ó for pronouns, and each particle's default tone.)

To type tones, press 1234 or /"^ at the end of a word, and press - to insert an underdot:

Ni chuo ki-shuai, na miu sa poq va3 choqgi maq jaq4 da.
Ní chuo kı̣shuaı, nä mıu sá poq ꝡä choqgı máq jâq da.

Type v i0 << >> <: >: [[ ]] to write ꝡ i « » ‹ › ⟦ ⟧.